Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Coco Tuesday

I hope to catch up soon with a regular schedule. First, a quick Coco Tuesday.

This morning the cat threw up. Not a big deal, really. He’d just eaten and Coco chased him around the apartment for a while and the cat’s little tummy couldn’t handle the extra work-load, I think.
Seeing it, though, Coco came up with an exclamation I hadn’t heard him use before. And, quite frankly, I think I’ll start using it, too, instead of the tired copulative, excretory, and religious ones I ordinarily employ.
He said, “Oh, barnacles!”

Maybe we’ve been letting him watch Pirates of the Caribbean too often.


green clementine said...

Within a few years, he will be able to read Tintin and memorize all of Captain Haddock's curses and exclamations. Something to look forward to!

Anonymous said...

"...instead of the tired copulative, excretory, and religious ones I ordinarily employ."

i don't know why but i just love that sentence. (c: