Wednesday, August 02, 2006

One of the Greats retires

One of the great things about Indian restaurants is the lunchtime (all you can eat) buffet. You get to sample foods you might not otherwise be able to recognize by what’s written on the menu, and you get to eat all you want. (I write “want,” but I still view the “can” as a challenge.)
Unfortunately, the Indian restaurants in Park Slope don’t offer this fun option.
Last week, there was a
news story with the headline, “India’s ‘monster eater’ retires.” I wrote this limerick for Wait W. which (for obvious reasons) didn’t air.

There was a big man in Kizhakkumpattukara,
an all-you-can-eat buffet wizhakkumpattukara.
But nothing could squelch
his post-lunchtime belch.
No seltzer has got enough fizzhakkumpattukara.

Then, today, I see a sign at Star India that announces an all-you-can-eat buffet brunch.
Hm. Coincidence?


Anonymous said...

Best. Limerick. Ever. I would love to hear Carl Kasell trying to pronounce Kizhakkumpattukara.

(From a Wait Wait fan who enjoys your blog as well.)

Goedi said...

I'm sure Carl would do it in a perfect Trissur accent.