Thursday, August 17, 2006

non-moving staircase

I’m at a bit of a loss tonight, because I’m tired. We should be getting ready for our week-long trip to Germany, but we’re still going to pool, fighting about computer privileges, and generally wasting time.
We had a good time-waster yesterday. Went to the Guitar Center and let the kids bang away in the percussion room. Ah. Good times.
They should feature that activity in New York with Kids. It’s free, and nobody gets hurt.
I almost did, of course. They’re working on the escalators, and therefore one of them is blocked off and the other functions as a staircase.
Nothing makes you feel stupid like tripping over something that’s neither unexpected nor moving.

It’s those lines, those grooves.
They make me think it moves.
But no. It stands in place.
And I fall on my face.

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