Saturday, September 09, 2006

an out-and-out rumor

There’s a blog that’s part of the Huffington Post that posted this article.

As a result, there’s this limerick,

Karl Rove would prefer not to play
And Ken Mehlman will hotly not say
In that game of Trebek's
When the answer is "sex"
And the topic is "men who are – "
Ans: gay

which obviously didn’t make it on WWDTM because it is way too conjectural.

The evidence, briefly stated, is this. Karl Rove remembers his first encounter with GWB as follows. "I can literally remember what he was wearing: an Air National Guard flight jacket, cowboy boots, complete with the - in Texas you see it a lot - one of the back pockets will have a circle worn in the pocket from where you carry your tin of snuff, your tin of tobacco. He was exuding more charisma than any one individual should be allowed to have."
There was also some stuff in the article about Karl Rove’s stepfather divorcing Karl’s mom in order to come out of the closet, but that doesn’t do much to the argument. It’s more of a matter of not “wasting” any research, no matter how much it might muddy the main point.
And Ken Mehlman’s charge is that he wants to avoid Eric Resnick’s question of his gayness rather than denying it. "You have asked a question no one should have to answer."
Aren’t rumors fun?

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