Thursday, January 29, 2009

Special Lunch

As a reward for working my Coop shift, I sometimes go out to lunch on the way home.
Today was one of those sometimes.

A Special Lunch

Tomato-onion soup is okay for the group.
But I, the leader-type
eat tripe.

Some pear cake for dessert really cannot hurt.
But it pales against the hype
of tripe.

Yes tripe, tripe soaked in wine,
drenched in garlic so divine.
Tripe, wait, are you cow or swine?
Yes tripe, tripe as they dine
underneath the Tuscan pine
Tripe, now I am truly thine.

For now my lunch demands, "Hey, belly, please expand."
What's that? What smells so ripe?
Oh. Tripe.

Yes tripe, tripe soaked in etc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Nicht jeder höret gern, was Kutteln sind:
Der Blättermagen von dem Rind;
Vom Pansen auch kann hier die Rede sein,
Selbst von Kaldaunen und Gekröse.
Doch so gekocht wird niemand böse,
Die Kutteln gehn wie Balsam ein."

Hasi! Yuck!