Coco’s Work (Lot 1): He sat and made a “blue” [“glue” in regular English] project, and came up with this. I thought I heard him say, “Da Wedding.” Not being sure, I asked, “What is it called?” And he answered, “Ah … da Wedding.” Now, I can’t be quite sure if it is written “uh” or “ah” or “aah” or “eh,” all of which give the work different connotations. But I’ll go with “ah.” I think the artist was making a statement about the shortcomings of written communication by giving such a slippery title only in its aural form. He also appears to be making a statement on the holy institution of matrimony, so recently in the news with intended bans and whatnot. The artist keeps up with current affairs and does not live in isolation. Note the whiteness of the napkin besmirches by a red stain, red so evocative of passion, blood, and pizza sauce. Also, he’s making a statement about matrimony what lurks beneath the surface of the wedding event by “bluing” the napkin folded, yet loosely open. What lurks beneath the white veneer, he seems to ask. Finally, I’d like to point some allusions of the medium. The napkin, used to wipe traces of consumption, the offal of life-giving food, and, I feel compelled to mention, the remnants of the life-giving female cycle. Kudos, Coco.
Starting bid: Bob the Builder underpants.
Madge’s Work (Lot 2):
[Excuse me
Excuse me
I need to get throgh
Excuse me.
I am getting throgh!]
A quick, assertive statement on manners and determination (determinism, too, Ms MG?). Written by a female, it might be a statement on feminism in the 21st Century, but, as male critic, I hesitate to presume. The traces of erasure conjoined with the willful spelling leave open the question of an assertive personality confronting the strictures of social communication. Finally, this critic would like to point out how the line between art and life are blurred as becomes evident in recitation of the poem. Not until the thunderous applause does it become obvious that this is a triumph of artistic expression rather than an attempt to get to the podium. Hats off to Madeleine, she’s “getting throgh.”
Starting bid: a manicure.
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