Wednesday, May 13, 2009

flying cow

Coco's class wrote counting books today. On the page for the number nine, he drew cows. (Each of the cows has three legs - maybe he senses some divisibility there, I don't know.) One of the cows' legs are splayed backwards, all the others point down. I didn't ask him about it because he's been sensitive of criticism lately, but he volunteered that this cow is flying "Like in Monty Python with those baby people ["run away!"] and the fake big rabbit."
My work is done. (The cow appears at 1:55 in the clip below.)


Julie said...

OMG! I'm so proud of him. Clearly the movie made an impression. Next up -- Life of Brian! Just kidding.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing what little kids pick up and remember. Good job Coco. Granny